Ezra Legal

Welcome to the August edition of our Newsletter.

August is here and the sun has come out to give us a little sign of spring. I am seeing the new growth budding on some of my rose bushes already which tells me that nature is doing its thing as it should. I’m hoping we have not seen the last of the rains and that our much-needed farming industry enjoys follow up rains to see their crops carry through to their full potential.

I continue to navigate the health and aged care sector with my ailing and ageing Mother, which is quite the eye opener. Thankfully I have a number of siblings with which to share the burden, without support it would be a time-consuming exercise. The complexity of the system and the reams of forms to be completed would be quite the challenge for an elderly person without support.

Turning your mind to how this system works and how you might navigate it yourself, or for someone you care for, ahead of time is probably a good idea. Understanding the refundable accommodation deposit and the daily care fee components associated with nursing home accommodation is useful in determining whether there are any opportunities to plan for those costs if you see them on the horizon.

Even a little thing, like understanding the dynamics of access cabs is a further eye opener. Lifting fees and SATSS memberships is a whole new world, with a whole new set of forms to be completed!

I will be in Cleve for the Field Days next week and look forward to touching base with our many Agri clients and seeing how the crops are coming along for this season.

I trust you will enjoy this months’ newsletter and hope you all have a fantastic August; as always if you have any questions or concerns in areas where we may be able to assist, feel free to give us a call, as we say… we’re here to help!

Please telephone our main office number on (08) 8231 6100 or email reception@ezralegal.com.au.

For information on the range of legal advice and services that we provide, head to:

Michael Fabbro

Practice Principal

Ezra Legal

Michael Fabbro


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