Help! My relationship broke down but I’m not married!
Australia recognizes that people may wish to sort out the division of property and debt following the breakdown of a committed relationship outside of marriage. You will need to be in in a de facto relationship for a total of at least 2 years or meet a different criterion to qualify for a court ordered de facto property settlements. In this article Ezra Legal solicitor Lydia Ho explains what is considered a de facto relationship and what the ‘qualifying’ requirements are.
Unlike the gingerbread men we make for Christmas, we do not all fit into a cookie cutter world.
Relationships can be fluid and flexible and should be tailored to fit our unique circumstances. Not every person in a committed relationship wants or needs to be married.
However, the breakdown of such a relationship can leave one party in an unexpectedly vulnerable financial position. What happens then? Well, fret not! You can apply for a court ordered property settlement so long as you fit the requirements below. So, keep on reading.
What is a De Facto Relationship?
“De Facto” is Latin for “in fact” or in reality. A de facto relationship is a relationship in which the couple are not married but are still in a committed relationship. This qualifies them for certain legal rights, including a property settlement after separation.
Under section 4AA of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), a de facto relationship requires you to be with another person (of any gender):
- that you are not legally married to;
- you are not related to by family; and
- you are in a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis.
You can even be in a de facto relationship despite one of you being married to another person!
What is considered to be “living together on a genuine domestic basis”?
Several factors are considered when determining the genuine domestic nature of a de facto relationship. These include:
- duration of your relationship;
- nature and extent of your common residence;
- whether a sexual relationship exists;
- degree of financial dependence or interdependence, and any financial arrangements between you;
- your degree of mutual commitment to a shared life;
- whether your relationship was registered;
- care and support of children;
- reputation and public aspects of your relationship.
You do not need to satisfy all of these requirements to be in a de facto relationship. However, there is a jurisdictional threshold if you desire a court ordered property settlement.
The threshold to qualify for a property settlement
A property settlement is an agreement between a separating couple that divides the assets, liabilities, debts and superannuation pool of both parties. A court ordered property settlement is beneficial because it is binding and not subject to change except under stringent circumstances.
To have a court ordered property settlement, you must satisfy at least one of the following criteria:
- be in a de facto relationship for a period totaling up to 2 years;
- there is a child of the de facto relationship;
- the de facto relationship is registered; or
- that the person applying for a property settlement has made substantial contributions (financial or non-financial) and it would be a serious injustice to not make a property order.
This means that mere co-habitation of less than 2 years is generally insufficient for a property settlement.
If you require further information, click on this link to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia website:
Time Limits
If you have separated from your partner and believe that you satisfy the de facto relationship and threshold requirements for a property settlement, act quickly! There is a 2-year time limit to apply for property orders.
Are you in a de facto relationship or know of someone who may benefit from this article? Share this with them or come in to have a chat about your unique circumstances. We understand that every person has different needs. We can help you achieve a division of assets and liabilities that addresses your individual situation. We can also assist in getting a time extension for de facto property orders if required.
For more information and expert advice, ask to speak to Lydia Ho at Ezra Legal on (08) 8231 6100 or email
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Lydia Ho
Ezra Legal